Ellie Krug is the founder and president of Human Inspiration Works, author of Getting to Ellen: A Memoir about Love, Honesty, and Gender Change, and the writer behind The Ripple monthly newsletter.
In this wonderful conversation we talk about candidly about Ellie’s challenging but fulfilling work to make the world a more inHey clusive place, the real life consequences of anti-LGBTQ legislation, and other headwinds – including politics and pandemics.
Note: You can tell from my face that I was THRILLED by this conversation! Ellie really is an inspiration.
Learn more about Ellie!
Website: www.humaninspirationworks.com
Getting to Ellen book website: www.gettingtoellen.com
Twitter: @elliekrug
Facebook: Ellen Krug Minnesota
LinkedIn: Ellen (Ellie) Krug
Instagram: @elliejkrug
Monthly newsletter, The Ripple, accessible by clicking on “Newsletters/Media” at www.elliekrug.com